I'd like to introduce Ben Trim from Infinite Financial Solutions, he is the guy looks after your policies gives advice and does whatever is required to go the hard yards. He is behind you even when no one else was to put out their hands to help and guide you. He fights for you and gets results. In the past and during my current claim who else do you know who calls you  every now and again when everything is going great just to have a chat and doesn't try and sell you something you don't need. In a way Ben is a friend in the good times and the bad times that's what is all about so do yourself a favour and call Ben have a chat see what he can do for you today because tomorrow may be too late is just another day that you could have protected yourself from. I have been on income protection claim for many years back in 2015 for reasons my insurance company couldn't explain they want to kick me off claim. At the time of sufferings severe pain injuries at work and also was experiencing severe depression. Once the money stopped coming in from the claim the insurance company still took premiums from my account and I had no income resulting in what little reserves I had being eaten away.It caused me additional undue stress and angst.

Ben took over managing my claim and made certain that my claim was reinstated and all the back money was paid to me. I really don't know what I would have done without him.

Ian Adler
Kowguran Qld 4415