I’ve known Ben Trim for around 10 years and my wife and I both find him to be agreeable knowledgeable and trustworthy. We initially sought some advice from Ben regarding capital gains on inherited assets and also to establish superannuation accounts. In the first instance Ben was required to liaise with our tax accountants to resolve some complicated tax matters left over from when we were in business. Nothing was too much trouble.
When I needed to commence an income stream, Ben advised us, established and continues to provide advice and maintain our combined superannuation and pension interests. He also assists us with our Centrelink forms and we even get time now and again to play golf.
We find that Ben is proactive and often contacts as just to say hi and see how we’re going. Knowing that we are a little anxious about the stock market Ben took time out from his holiday to phone us from overseas to reassure us at a time when the markets were in correction phase.
Over the years we have become good friends with Ben as we respect his integrity, honesty and reliability. We also enjoy the comfort of knowing he is just at the other end of the phone.
We would encourage anybody that needs financial planning advice to talk to Ben Trim and see what he can do to help you.

D A & A D Craine
Mermaid Waters Qld